05 December, 2011

My body is easily convinced.

Shit. Does that title come off wrong?

This post is about sleep deprivation. I currently sitting in bed at 3:19am on a Tuesday morning and I'm running on three hours of sleep from yesterday. I'm blaming Thanksgiving weekend. For that stretch of four days, three of them I had spent awake until the wee hours of the morning for either American Skype dates or just for funsies.

And apparently that was enough. That was enough to convince my body to just forget everything it had ever been trained to do in the past and to just stay awake into all hours of the morning.

For a period of my life, I was going to bed at 8pm and waking up to go to work at 3am.
When I wasn't working that schedule...like clockwork I would start excessively yawning at 10:30pm on the dot and eventually go to bed at or before midnight.
I even once went through a period of a few months where I literally needed as much sleep as a four year old human.
And now here I am....laying awake at 3:31am on three hours of sleep.

Who am I, and what have I done with the old Carly?

This hasn't really caused me many problems so far. And you know why? Because I'm a champion. I got three hours of sleep last night, crawled out of bed, cleaned myself up, put on a blazer and some heels and went and passed two exams. By the way, passing exams here is really all I'm going for. It's enough of an accomplishment for me at this point.

In other related news, I have four exams left to take over the next week and a half. They're all oral finals and these are my only grades for the entire semester. That means I show up at a certain time, pick a topic/question at random from a pile, and am given 10 minutes to draft a structured oral response. Then I give my little schpeel to the professor, and then it's out of my control. Thank goodness for being an alumni of Greendale High School's forensics and debate teams.

And in more exciting news I have a Skype date with my circle of friends from school on Sunday morning. I was so happy to be invited to an event at Ben's apartment called "Say bonjour to Carly!" that I cried a little bit. Not gonna lie. I miss those people a lot and I can't wait to see them again, even if it's just through a computer screen.

So that's essentially all I have to say at the moment. Hopefully I'll fall asleep soon. This could make a great case to get a cat, actually. At home I fall asleep faster if my cat Princess is sleeping on the pillow next to me (can you believe a cat named Princess has her own pillow on a queen sized bed?) because she purrs all the time. So the cat could purr me to sleep....and defend my apartment from mice. I see no downside to this.


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