Well I’m almost done in France. This is not a reflective
post, just a preview of what the rest of my time looks like.
This week I have some final exams, two of five. My university is a bit strange. I have one week of finals, two weeks of Spring Break, and then one more week of finals. So next Tuesday I depart on a trip west with another girl from my program that will be explained later, then a bit of time in Aix preparing for my last exams, and then about two weeks in France before I head home.
My flight leaves from Paris on June 1st, but I’ll be taking the train up the day before and staying overnight just because of how the times worked out. I’m very excited to come home, but less excited for my time in France to end.
If you’ve seen on the Facebooks, I’ll be having a welcome home/graduation party Saturday June 2nd at my house. More details about that are still in the works, so I’ll keep everyone posted.
My tentative plans for when I get back include working for a Congressional campaign. Unfortunately, since I had to work multiple jobs in order to be able to go to college, I didn’t have time for being active with the College Democrats or get in any experience with a campaign during the past four years. You’re probably thinking, “Carly…you spent the summer with Congress, isn’t that enough?” And no. It’s not. I need to get in some time with a campaign to fill in the last bit of skills I need to be eligible for employment in my field of choice. I’m not thrilled about the idea of working for free, but I’m so excited to jump back into American politics. I’m still waiting to hear if I got a fellowship with the Democratic Party and placed with a specific candidate, but I’ll know in the next couple weeks. I have a concrete game plan for this, but I’m not going to discuss it here. If you’re curious, ask me yourself.
This photo is stolen from a friend because it made me so happy to see on Facebook. If you’re flying into Milwaukee from the west, the planes pass not only right over Greendale, but directly over my house. I’m flying into Chicago, not Milwaukee…but I can’t wait to see this again. From the ground.
This week I have some final exams, two of five. My university is a bit strange. I have one week of finals, two weeks of Spring Break, and then one more week of finals. So next Tuesday I depart on a trip west with another girl from my program that will be explained later, then a bit of time in Aix preparing for my last exams, and then about two weeks in France before I head home.
My flight leaves from Paris on June 1st, but I’ll be taking the train up the day before and staying overnight just because of how the times worked out. I’m very excited to come home, but less excited for my time in France to end.
If you’ve seen on the Facebooks, I’ll be having a welcome home/graduation party Saturday June 2nd at my house. More details about that are still in the works, so I’ll keep everyone posted.
My tentative plans for when I get back include working for a Congressional campaign. Unfortunately, since I had to work multiple jobs in order to be able to go to college, I didn’t have time for being active with the College Democrats or get in any experience with a campaign during the past four years. You’re probably thinking, “Carly…you spent the summer with Congress, isn’t that enough?” And no. It’s not. I need to get in some time with a campaign to fill in the last bit of skills I need to be eligible for employment in my field of choice. I’m not thrilled about the idea of working for free, but I’m so excited to jump back into American politics. I’m still waiting to hear if I got a fellowship with the Democratic Party and placed with a specific candidate, but I’ll know in the next couple weeks. I have a concrete game plan for this, but I’m not going to discuss it here. If you’re curious, ask me yourself.
This photo is stolen from a friend because it made me so happy to see on Facebook. If you’re flying into Milwaukee from the west, the planes pass not only right over Greendale, but directly over my house. I’m flying into Chicago, not Milwaukee…but I can’t wait to see this again. From the ground.

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