06 May, 2012

Newspaper Fail

I don’t have time to blog about what I did yesterday helping out at an overseas event for the Democratic Party, so we’ll just have to discuss it in person when I return. But I will say this; a reporter from the local paper came because the French love stuff like this. We staged some pictures to make it look a little more exciting, and they told us it’d be in tomorrow’s paper. 

So today I leave my apartment and walk to the newspaper stand at the main square in town, purchase a copy of La Provence, and proceed to sit up against a large nearby statue to flip through the paper and people watch. I get to page four and there it is—our little article and a large photo. The day before I had been in the little crowd they assembled for the photo, and I was so excited to see my face in a French newspaper and bring it home as an awesome souvenir.

So here’s the photo:

Turns out I’m DIRECTLY AND COMPLETELY BEHIND the two women standing in the middle of the line. You can see a little sliver of my shoe between their legs, but nothing more. So all the sudden I found myself sitting on the stoop of this statue, absolutely cackling in public (not French at all) but I couldn’t help it. Either way, I’m bringing the article home because yesterday was really cool.

Better luck next time I guess.

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