Well, I officially have only one exam left, and I am just beyond thrilled. As a reminder, though I know I have explained it before, exams at my university are weird. You show up to a classroom at the time provided for you, and you literally pick a subject out of a hat. Like...there are slips of paper in a beret. That literally happened to me. Sometimes you can pick two topics, and then keep whichever one you know better. These topics can be overall themes carried throughout the course, a specific event or policy, or some sort of comparison between two topics. The point is, anything discussed during the entire course is up for grabs. So you have your topic, you prepare your information for 10 or 15 minutes, speak for about 10 minutes, and then do a brief Q&A with the professor to hit on aspects you missed or an entirely different topic. If this didn't go without saying, it's in French. And if that's not scary enough for you, this is your only grade for the entire semester. All or nothing.
So the reason I'm just so thrilled right now, is that today was my last exam in this format. (Tomorrow I have an exam where I select my topic ahead of time and it's also in English...but that's a strange class I won't expand upon.) For all of the exams I had both this semester and last, there were a significant amount of things that I could have randomly selected that I would have been unable to talk about. There was just so much information, and I'm terrible at studying and always have been. The things that I know, I know really well already. If it didn't sneak into my brain throughout the semester, there's no way it's getting in there now. But by some miracle of the universe, I always selected a topic that I could speak about quite well. Seriously, I have no idea how that happened. The odds were against me. All I know is that I'm happy it worked out that way because it didn't have to.

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